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Eleven Popular Electronic Component Distributors

Eleven Popular Electronic Component Distributors

WPG electronics is the largest distributor in Asia headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan. The company operates with over 120 sales offices around the world and franchise partner for around 250 global world wide suppliers. The company also achieved a US $14.9 billion as revenue in 2014.

Website: WPG Holdings

10) Allied Electronics


Allied Electronics is a leading electronic part distributor offering its services in United states, Mexico and Canada. This company provides more than 3 million parts online from more than 300 world class suppliers. Its robust supply chain management gives its customer super fast delivery and reliability.


Website: Allied Electronics



11) WT Microelectronics



WT Microelectronics is a leading component supplier with superior supply chain and other value added services. This Company headquartered in Taiwan provides service across Asia with over 40 regional offices in China, Korea, Singapore, India, Thailand and Malaysia. This company serves as a distribution partner for over 40 global suppliers.

Website: WT Microelectronics


And that’s the end of this list 10 best Electronic component distributors. Please do take this list just as a guide as there are chances that these companies might not provide service directly to your place. This list was compiled using suggestions and Feedbacks from many electronic experts and opinions are subjected to change. So please do adequate research before opting any service from these companies.


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