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Adding Internet connectivity to Arduino boards and apps with the YUN Shield

Adding Internet connectivity to Arduino boards and apps with the YUN Shield

One last thing, let’s try to connect to the board by using the SSH clients PuTTY and WinSCP (for those wishing to learn more about what has been said so far, including most of the configuration pages, refer to the introductory Raspberry Pi articles and the book “My first Linux embedded”). 



We connect to Yun shield IP address, login with “root” user (password “dragino”). So we are sure that SSH server is up and running “just out of the box”.




Firmware Upgrade

We anticipate this section since it is better to update the shield firmware release before starting with our application. The reason is mainly the many changes made to the “SENSORS” section, which had many design changes over the releases. Initially designed to facilitate sensors data collection and processing through dedicated services as Xively, it was then modified to configure the Arduino board type the shield is housed in. 


Firmware versions can be checked at:

The different firmware releases can be downloaded at:

Before continuing, we recommend to perform the firmware update process very carefully, double-checking every step. Take all the necessary time, the operation takes a long time so be sure to have a stable network connection and a reliable power source.

As a first step, you need to download the firmware. Go to “Download”, click on “Newest Firmware” and finally on “common-build-xxxxxxxx”. Attention: depending on the release, these guidelines may not be completely accurate. In the online folder, we see some firmware images. You have to download the “sysupgrade” (with .bin suffix) version. Download and save it on your PC. 

After, go to shield configuration page and click on “UPGRADE”. On this page, you can select the firmware to use for the update. A recommendation: remove the check mark on “Keep Settings”. 




By doing so, the update has the disadvantage of resetting any pre-existing system configurations, but guarantees from misalignments between the existing configuration and the new version setting files. A misalignment coud “block” the shield after a firmware update. 

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