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Adding Internet connectivity to Arduino boards and apps with the YUN Shield

Adding Internet connectivity to Arduino boards and apps with the YUN Shield

Thus forcing OpenWrt to broadcast its network service availability. If the shield is not detected yet, repeat the command. It may happen that, despite everything, you still do not see the board. In this case, we have to know that the connection daemon uses the 5353 UDP port. The cause of the issue may be a firewall, for example, or the antivirus, or a wrong router configuration, which blocks that port. For those wishing to further deepen this topic, always refer to the book mentioned above. 






Now, to prove that everything is working properly, we can try to load a sketch. We chose the “Console Read” sketch that allows us to test the “bridge” between Arduino and Yun shield. The sketch is accessible from File >> Examples >> Bridge >> Read Console. Compile and load it as usual, then at the Upload password prompt enter “dragino”. Open the Arduino IDE serial monitor “Tools >> Serial Monitor”. Set the communication speed to 115200 baud. A simple interactive application will be displayed.




Original article by Boris Landoni published at Open electronics


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