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Future of Cloud Computing

Future of Cloud Computing

1) Cloud has two primary versions

From a number of varieties, there are two main basic versions of cloud computing; SaaS (Software as a Service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).

If you opt for SaaS, your associated data and applications will be kept on the storage and servers of the service provider. You need to pay monthly fees for that and you will gain access to the SaaS cloud system using your internet browser.



While in IaaS, you will be offered a virtual machine on which you will be the controller of the Operating System & other applications on that. Along with the virtual machine, you will get physical servers, switching, storage spaces, and connectivity resources. The fees will be taken on the pay as you go basis. The hardware end for the virtual machine and other applications will be taken care by the cloud service provider.

2) Deployments models of software programs changed

3) Preference towards Hybrid cloud

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