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Mobile Infra Red Transmitter

Mobile Infra Red Transmitter

A MIRT is a device that uses Infra Red technology to trigger Pre-Emptive sensor on a traffic light and causes the light to change to green. Usage of this circuit may not be permitted in your locality.

Warning: The actual use of the product by non-qualified individuals would be illegal. It is probably against your STATE law for you to own & operate one of these…most of the intersections that have these special sensors are the really busy ones.? Which means there’s a good likelihood they have cameras too (either red light ones or the ones to just monitor the intersection). CCD cameras can pick up IR light. So if you used the light changer it would show up on camera?



…We will be using the IR ILLUMINATOR from BGMicro for the IR Transmitter.? The PC board we will be building this on is up to you on what style you prefer. As you can see in the above picture I am using an “IC Type” but that might not be the one you want to use. A standard PC Board will work perfectly fine…

…Now would be a good time to put your IR Array together. This is probably the most fun part of this project. Nothing like soldering 36 LEDs. All I can say about this is make sure you get the Anode and Cathode correct. (However they are marked very well) Once you have the timing circuit built and tested, the IR Array built, it is time to build a hi-power driver to power the IR Array…


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