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Peripheral Reflex System

Peripheral Reflex System

The Peripheral Reflex System (PRS) system is a network which lets the different peripheral modules communicate directly with each other without involving the CPU. Peripheral modules which send out Reflex signals are called producers. The PRS routes these reflex signals to consumer peripherals which apply actions depending on the Reflex signals received. The format for the Reflex signals is not given, but edge triggers and other functionality can be applied by the PRS.


The PRS contains 8 interconnect channels, and each of these can select between all the output Reflex signals offered by the producers. The consumers can then choose which PRS channel to listen to and perform actions based on the Reflex signals routed through that channel. The Reflex signals can be both pulse signals and level signals. Synchronous PRS pulses are one HFPERCLK cycle long, and can either be sent out by a producer (e.g. ADC conversion complete) or be generated from the edge detector in the PRS channel. Level signals can have an arbitrary waveform, but will be synchronized with the HFPERCLK.

