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Piggybacking OLED display on WeMos D1 Mini

Piggybacking OLED display on WeMos D1 Mini


Daniel Eichhorn build a mini OLED display weather widget using WeMos D1 Mini board.

Inspired by Mike Rankin’s (@mikerankin) beautiful crossovers between an ESP8266 ESP-01 and an 0.96 Inch OLED I2C display I decided to try if there wasn’t an easy hack to marry the two components with as little soldering as possible. After turning, connecting and flashing different combinations of the two modules I finally found one that only requires you to solder 4 connections.


Assuming that your display’s connectors are in the order GND, VCC, SCL and SDA just place the display on the bottom of your WeMos D1 Mini so that the two GND’s are connected with each other. VCC connects to D4, SCL to D3 and SDA to D2. I’m aware that I am “cheating” the D4 connector into being the power source, but I couldn’t find any data about the max. current the display draws. If you want to be 100% save add a connection between VCC (on the display) and 3V3 instead. Let me know in the comments if you are convinced that I’m doing something reckless.


Piggybacking OLED display on WeMos D1 Mini – [Link]

