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Standalone Inductance Meter on a Etched Board

Standalone Inductance Meter on a Etched Board

In late 2014 and early 2015 I had posted a short series on an inductance meter project. The first post in that series described an Arduino shield that allowed an Arduino UNO to do inductance measurements and got this blog mentioned on for the very first time.

I got a lot of encouraging feedback and some time last year Andy Beasley asked me if I could help him extracting Gerber files from Eagle so that he could get some boards made and build his own. I was happy to do so and was rewarded with half a dozen boards. Thank you very much, Andy.

At the time I was busy working on other projects so the boards collected some dust until Sean Connolly sent me a message asking if I could make an inductance meter for him. That was a great opportunity to finally build up one of these boards.


The result was the most  beautiful of my inductance meters so far. There’s nothing new technically – It’s still the circuit described in this post.

By the way, I’ve started to share more and more of the projects on github. All the photos, descriptions and so on will continue to be published here on but I will put the download material such as source code, eagle files and the like on where it is easier to keep files in sync and to potentially collaborate with other developers.

So here’s a list of the relevant repositories on github:

