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Gesture recognition with Arduino

Gesture recognition with Arduino

We would like to remind you that the data package used for reading the data loaded in the MGC3130’s buffer is of the kind shown in figure.



The address contained in the package is the one of the integrated circuit’s hardware: the less relevant bit indicates if we are in writing (“0”) or reading mode (“1”). The “MGC3130 message” section may be extended, as indicated in figure, so to identify two sections: “Header” and “Payload”.




By further expanding the “Header” section, as shown in figure, it is possible to notice that in the first four bytes we find the length of the data package received and, a very important thing, the package ID will be 0x91. For the list of the available ID codes we invite you to read again the article found in the issue n° 195.




Of the data read by the “GetEvent” function, during the gesture recognition, only a part will be kept into account, and in particular there will be the one regarding “GestureInfo” and the “TouchInfo”. Those will be further filtered by the bit mask, “MASK_GESTURE_RAW” and “MASK_TOUCH_RAW”, by  removing the unnecessary parts. For the sake of completeness, the information concerning the x, y and z coordinates is saved.

Finally, there is the “DecodeGesture” function, that decodes the data read by the previous function and makes it available by means of a public data structure, that the user may use for his application. The gestures that are recognized and made available by the library are:


  • Gesture Touch South;
  • Gesture Touch West;
  • Gesture Touch North;
  • Gesture Touch East;
  • Gesture Touch Centre;
  • Gesture Tap South;
  • Gesture Tap West;
  • Gesture Tap North;
  • Gesture Tap East;
  • Gesture Tap Centre;
  • Gesture Double Tap South;
  • Gesture Double Tap West;
  • Gesture Double Tap North;
  • Gesture Double Tap East;
  • Gesture Double Tap Centre;
  • Flick West to East;
  • Flick East to West;
  • Flick South to North;
  • Flick North to South;
  • Edge Flick West to East;
  • Edge Flick East to West;
  • Edge Flick South to North;
  • Edge Flick North to South;
  • Clock Wise;
  • Counter Clock Wise.


The library realizes the changes caught by the MGC3130 integrated circuit, and returns them on the corresponding bits of the public data structure. The gesture is recognized when the corresponding bit goes at a logical level “1”. The public data structure is allocated on 32 bits: of these, 7 are free for future developments. Moreover, it is possible to read and modify the data in the structure by operating on every single bit or, more brutally, at a byte or double word level.

If so desired (but it is not mandatory), it is possible to filter the gestures we do not want to use in our project.

In fact it is possible to configure a filter constant, which is found in the MGC3130.h file, that allows the filtering of the unwanted gestures. The constant is named “MASK_FILTER_GESTURE” and is a 32 bit value that can be configured, bit by bit. If the bit is at a logical level “1”, it means that we want to filter the gesture, vice versa we want to keep it. In our sample sketches we made use of the filter constant, in other words we left it configured at 0x00000000: this means that it is used in the “DecodeGesture” function, but that it has no effect.

To promote the study of the library, there are hidden code parts that can be activated, if needed; these sections are included between the two instructions, “#ifdef identifier” and “endif”, with identifier being a label that (when declared) activates the code section, vice versa it excludes it.

For example, the following piece of code:




activates/deactivates the “PrintMGC3130 RawData” function’s code. Such a function prints the data read by the integrated circuit on the serial monitor, before they are identified by the “DecodeGesture” function. It may prove to be very useful during the study of the library and of the MGC3130 integrated circuit, since it shows the data, exactly as they come from the MGC3130’s buffer. For example, the “Flick East to West“ gesture is thus highlighted:


Row data from MGC3130
Header: 1A081191
Payload: 1F01 | 86 | 80 | 0073 | 03100000
| 00000000 | 0000 | 000000000000


To increase its readability and help to understand it, the data package is divided between “Header” and “Payload”, moreover the “Payload” is divided in sub-packages, as highlighted by the data-sheet in the GestIc library.

In addition to the hidden code section we just dealt with, there are three more: among them are the recognized and decoded gestures, and the X, Y and Z coordinates (respectively PRINT_GESTURE_DATA and PRINT_XYZ).

If you do not activate these functions, they will not take up space in the Flash memory.

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